Biyernes, Mayo 27, 2011


 Everyone will not get everything! This is the RULE OF LIFE, don't try to get which is not yours, but don't dare to loose which is yours.
---Ben Stein--

Martes, Mayo 24, 2011

Don't Waste the Precious Time

When a song ends, you could just repeat it every  time you like.
When the movie ends, you can just wait after the trailers to start it again.
When the rain ends, sure it will come back soon, but when special moments have gone, you don't even know if you can rewind it, repeat it, or hope for it to happen again.
There's nothing in this world as precious as time so enjoy every second of it.


Time is a race. Luxury 

which can never 

be purchased at any 

cost so when someone 

spends it for you, it 

defined  the depth of 

your value.

Lunes, Mayo 23, 2011

God's Love You

             God set a place for you in his heart not in
                    this world, because the world are 
             temporary but in God's heart you  are safe 
                             and blessed forever.


 You don't always to defend 
yourself with your words.

Sometimes, your silence gives

people a clue that you have 

better thoughts in mind.